Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bonus Post: Lost Quotes

I found three extra quotes that I had written down and lost! Here they are...

Ted and Gooey are cleaning up...
Gooey: "I've put all the cables away, everything is looking good. The only thing I don't know what to do with is this picture of Ted and Tom..."
Ted: "You know? Put it in the trash...better yet put it under your pillow so you can think about us all night...that'll get you going."


Ted  emailed a few people a list of the best vehicles, the Ford F150 was ranked number 1...
Gooey: (joking) "Ford is number 1?  Who compiled the list?"
Ted: "Karl Marx!"
Gooey: "Karl Marx?"
Ted: "Actually, I think it was the Automakers Association of America, you know what that is?"
Ted: "It's on AOL, I've seen the list in like five places online. It's all over the internet..."
Gooey: "It looks like this came from May sales figures..."
Ted: "Well what it doesn't say is that the F150 has been the best selling vehicle in America, and the World for years. Not toyota...for 15 years...F150."
Ted: "It's mainly because businesses use F150s to haul or yard supplies, uh, companies. They can't use a Toyota for that."


This is a quote of Gooey talking about Ted behind his back...
Gooey: "Oh boy! When someone in Ted's family gets married it's like a week long event here, we have to see all the pictures, of course we hear how great Minneapolis'd think he'd never been there before. It's just on and on and on, to everybody who comes in. He always brings up how he had to dress up, how that part of the city is the best, everything is's like he just discovered the area around the stone arch bridge. I've been going there for years!"

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