Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Once again, Ted is teaching Jan, the foreign employee who he has no respect for:

Ted: "You'll have to give me your notes so that I can look them over.  Let me see them, you know?  I want to see what you wrote about the main process."
Jan (stunned): ".. ... ..."
Ted (notices that her laptop is open, and looks at whatever image is on her screen): "I see you got some good pictures of the process on there.  Good!  Do you have any of the harness?"
Jan: "Yes."
Ted: "I don't see it."
Jan (using her laptop): "It's here."
Ted (not looking): "I'll send you the picture."
(Ted gets up and starts walking to his desk as Tom walks in)
Jan: "I've got it here."
Ted: "Oh, I didn't see it.  It must have been on a different page.  You gotta have a picture of the harness, it's, oh, there's Tom.  HEY!  Tom, do you have a picture of the, uh, screen?  That's important.   I thought I saw you take one toward the end of the day. (walks over to Jan's computer) ... ... Scroll down.  Uh, what's that?  A movie!  Movies!  Yeah, my camera does that, or pictures."


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