Friday, June 24, 2011

The Teacher of Oil

At lunch, out of absolutely nowhere Ted the teacher breaks out...

Ted: "You know how many gallons are in a barrel of oil?"
TJ: "I would guess 55."
Ted: "No. 42."
Stew: "I would think 55 gallon drums are a little unruly, 42 is a little easier to handle."
Ted: "No, no.  Heeheheh.  They don't actually have barrels of oil, it's just a unit of measure.  You know how much of that they can process into actual gas? ... ... ...  Half.  The rest, of course, they can use for jet fuel, kerosene, and...uh, other things you know?"

in the same conversation/lecture...

Ted: "So how much do you think gas prices are going to hit this summer?"
Stew: "Five?"
Ted: "I would guess more, you know who's driving up the prices don't you?  ... ... ...  Insurance companies and health plans, they're the ones with all the money anyway.  They're doing all the speculating."
Stew: "Who did you say again?"
Ted: "Uh, insurance companies, and, uh... ... pension plans."


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