Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Life on Mars

Ted and Gooey are looking at photos from the surface of Mars and discussing the possibility of life there...

Gooey: "You certainly don't see any lifeforms."
Ted: "They said they have found organic chemicals all over up there."
Gooey (to me, mocking): "You hear that? Organic Chemicals!"
Me: "Are you guys talking about the cafeteria?"
Ted: "No!  No, I mean they've seen the building blocks of life there.  They have satellites that show parts of the planet turning green at certain times of the year…they just can't get there to see it with anything.  I don't know if you know this but they find those building blocks of life everywhere...all over the galaxy.  Do you read much Gooey?"
Gooey (mocking): "I don't read anything!"
Ted: "Well, if you did you'd have read that."


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